barismo coffee

Hario V60

Our most commonly used brew method is the Hario V60. The V60-01 is designed to brew a single serving, 8–10 ounces, and provides good body and flavor clarity. We created a brew method for the V60 that is easily repeatable and consistent in quality. For this method, use a ratio of 18 grams of coffee per 300 milliliters* of water, but you can scale your total brewing volume to make more or less coffee, as long as you keep the same base ratio of 16 grams of coffee per 260 milliliters of water. 

*If you prefer using grams, you can easily convert the recipe: 1 gram of water is equal to 1 milliliter of water.

  1. Preheat the filter and brewer thoroughly with hot water. This will help minimize the paper filter taste, and preheat the brewer; always make sure to dump this water from your vessel before brewing.

  2. Load freshly ground coffee into the filter. We are using a medium-fine grind; you'll use your drain time to help dial in the appropriate grind size.

  3. Preinfuse the grounds by pouring into the center and circling outward. Make sure the whole surface is wet, about 40mL. of water. This should be a slow pour, taking about 10 seconds.

  4. Once you have finished pouring your preinfusion water, start your stopwatch/ timer and wait 20 seconds for the preinfusion.

  5. When your timer is at 0:20, slowly pour 260mL. of water over the span of 80 seconds, from 0:20 to 1:40 on your timer. Pour in concentric, nickel sized circles, making sure not to breach the outer edge of the grounds.

    Our goal is to pour the remaining water—the 260mL. we have left after we used 40mL. for preinfusion—in 80 seconds. To do this, we need to use a proper, consistent flow rate throughout our pour. We find it's easiest to do this if you support your kettle underneath, using a cloth to avoid burning yourself, and tilting the kettle slightly. When the water just falls vertically down from the kettle of the spout in a steady stream, you have about the right flow rate.

  6. Once your timer reaches 1:40, stop pouring. If your grind size is correct, the water will finish draining from the brew bed just as the timer reaches 2:00. If the water drains too quickly, grind finer; if it drains too slowly, grind coarser.


cheat sheet

Brew Time: Two mintues

Coffee: 18 grams

Water: 300 milliliters

Pour 40mL. for preinfusion.

Start timer.

0:00 Wait 20 seconds for preinfusion.

0:20 Pour 260mL. over 80 seconds.

1:40 Allow coffee to drain.

2:00 Enjoy your fresh coffee.

Drain before 2:00 is up? Adjust your grind finer.

Drain takes longer than 2:00? Adjust your grind coarser.