barismo coffee


bright acidity, plum, cherry, grapefruit

Region Kawamunezeroyacu, Burundi
Elevation 1400 - 1600 meters
Process Fully Washed & Dried on Raised Beds
Variety Bourbon
Harvest March 2018 - July 2018
Storage GrainPro™
Relationship Importer Contract

Burundian coffee is known for its intense body and sweetness balanced by a nuanced acidity. Like many coffee producing regions in Africa, Burundi produces almost exclusively microlots due to the nature of the small farm sizes. Farmers send their coffee cherries to elsewhere to be washed, and due to the number of farmers who contribute to any number of these stations, coffee is sold under the name of the washing station.

Though Burundi has seen it’s share of civil unrest, today coffee is this small, landlocked nation’s number one export crop and has played a significant role in stabilizing the country and continues to make a name for itself in the specialty coffee world.